Minimum Standards and Features for the Purchase of
an Integrated Library System (ILS)
Minimum specifications for the purchase of
an Integrated Library System (ILS)
Training and
should include sufficient staff training to operate
all modules of the integrated library system (ILS) proficiently
should include computer-based training and on-site
should include complete training manuals/documentation
on all system software modules
should include documentation updates for all
appropriate manuals
should be provided on a regular basis as
additional capabilities, enhancements or improvements are made to the integrated library system
Product should have complete context-sensitive online help documentation across all
online help should be searchable
updates to online help should be immediate.
the integrated library system (ILS) should provide
security at database, workstation, and individual operator levels
the integrated library system (ILS) should provide
secure access control based upon unique user login, for types of record (e.g., acquisitions and
cataloguing) as well as by function performed upon the record (e.g., edit/modify, delete)
the integrated library system (ILS) should check each
user’s access privileges at login, and automatically disable or enable client functions (in real time)
based upon the user’s profile.
Integrated Library System
(ILS) Implementation / Data Migration:
Vendor should migrate the library’s present
databases to the proposed system so that the new integrated library system (ILS) should be fully operational in
a short space of time. Migration should include, to the extent such files are in present use by the current
public library's integrated library system (ILS):
bibliographic records (titles)
items / copies
authority records
acquisitions (vendor, orders, funds,
serials (control, chronology, etc.)
community information records (OPAC)
Vendor should agree that the details of the
final implementation plan should be mutually determined by the library and the Vendor. Vendor should indicate
any limitations or qualifications to the format in which records should be received by Vendor in order to be
migrated. Vendor should include a process by which
the databases may be brought up to date during the interval between export of the initial databases and
completion of integrated library system (ILS) installation and training.
the integrated library system (ILS) should demonstrate
compliance with Z39.50
vendor should provide a software maintenance program
to include all future software updates and system enhancements applicable to integrated library system
(ILS) modules licensed
emergency assistance should be available 24 hours a
day, seven days a week, at no additional cost to the library
Major system upgrades should be developed and
released annually so the library will receive the latest enhancements, regardless of the version of Vendor’s
integrated library system (ILS) that the library originally installed. Software enhancements should be made available without further charge to
all licensed libraries maintaining an annually renewable software support contract with Vendor.
Should be able to process input from multiple workstations,
applying appropriate record locking to insure integrity
Should also be able to separate each library’s data and allow separate library
policies to function within the system, but allow data from all libraries to merge for a seamless
integrated library system (ILS) for the user
if a change is made to the database, the product
should automatically update all affected records in real time
the product should use an open relational
the product should be able to export any record or
portion of a record to ASII format.
The product should consist of integrated
functions with a single point of entry. Users and
staff should be able to switch between the client and another application using standard operating system

The integrated library system (ILS) should
offer a full text database that allows records for any type of material in any format to be created, migrated,
searched and displayed, modified, exported, and deleted. Changes resulting from e.g., SAMARC to MARC21 format integration should be
The Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module
should allow the library to create and maintain full catalogue records searchable only by library
staff. The Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module
should provide cataloguing wizards that streamline the process of:
adding a brief title record
editing existing titles
duplicating an existing title
removing title, call number/volume or
creating and editing call number/volume
adding or editing copies (includes global
offering authority control options (display, add,
duplicate, edit, remove)
bound-with processing
transferring title, call number or copies
linking order line holdings to titles
capturing and editing records from Z39.50 sources
using a Z39.50 copy cataloguing client (Sabinet)
When duplicating a title, authorized staff
should be able to pre-set values within the cataloguing module, including but not limited to:
record format (e.g., MARC21)
the automatic addition of selected catalogue
fields on entry
hiding the record display from the Web OPAC (from
public user searches)
automatic addition of selected item type (to prevent repetitive data entry)
auto-generate temporary call numbers
whether to add a copy automatically when adding a call
number/volume record
whether to auto-generate an item ID when adding a
ability to validate authority headings (if authority
control is used by library)
printing spine labels
When removing a title, call number, and/or item
record, the Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module should alert staff if a bill or hold is associated with the
material. Staff should be able to immediately investigate the open transaction, without closing the removal
When using the Bound-with process to link
bibliographic descriptions for items bound together, the Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module should use
parent and child call number records. A child call number with copies should not be bound with a parent call
number. A child call number should be linked to only one parent, but staff should be able to link a parent call
number to an unlimited number of child call numbers.
In the transferring title, call number/volume,
and/or copies process, authorized staff should be able to:
transfer all copies to an existing call
transfer only selected copies
transfer all volumes
transfer only selected volumes
remove a title automatically after staff has made the
decision to transfer the last copy or volume to a new title
search and display bibliographic information without
exiting the transfer process
Items on reserve or in transit should not be transferred. Inactive,
available title-level holds linked to a call number should also block the transfer. The Bibliographic
Control/Cataloguing module should alert staff to such exception conditions when staff attempt to transfer
The Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module
should support MARC format error checking, including:
error checking (tags, indicators, and subfields) for
all formats
an error message displays when incorrect values are
prompts for correct data
automatically verifies and validates structure of each
type of record maintained by the proposed system
the following error checks:
entry of valid tags
proper format as defined for each field (e.g., field
length, character type, and numeric range checks
valid entries in controlled fields (from authority
lists or files)
presence of mandatory data elements
supplies default data element identifiers (tags,
indicators, subfield codes, etc.).
Whenever applicable, the library may specify
tags for each template as well as default codes. The Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module should not require a specific
interface to any MARC21-based cataloguing source. It should include a utility
for verifying uniform resource locator(s), or URL's. It should support creation,
editing and maintenance of Community Information records in the MARC Format for Community Information and in a
locally developed format.
Selective control of staff members’ access to the call number, item and holding record should be available, e.g.,
an operator may not edit items that belong to another library.
Z39.50 MARC Cataloguing
Bibliographic Control/Cataloguing module should
include a Z39.50 copy cataloguing client that can capture bibliographic records from any Z39.50
bibliographic resource(e.g., Sabinet). The Z39.50
copy cataloguing client should capture MARC records from OCLC directly into the library’s catalogue.
Authority Control:
The Authority Control module should link all
authority-controlled bibliographic headings with corresponding authority records through an standard
The Authority Control module should enable the
system administrator to specify whether entry of bibliographic data which does not match an authority record
should result in rejection of the input, or in a warning, in which case the system should:
display a browse list of possible authority headings
from which the operator may choose by clicking the desired heading to replace the unauthorized heading
in the bibliographic record
automatically flag the unauthorized entry for later
display, review, and/or printing
The Authority Control module should support
multiple authority files, including separate authority indexes for LC name and subject headings, subjects,
or other locally-defined indexes. This module should enable
the library to define an unlimited number of authority formats or types, and to specify the bibliographic fields
and subfields addressed by each authority record type through policy configuration. It should automatically
generate appropriate See and See
Also references from authority records for use in the online catalogue.
At the library’s discretion, the Authority
Control module should be configured either to display cross-references but not to verify headings, or to display
cross-references and also to verify headings. An extra feature usually, the integrated library system (ILS) could include jacket art with
the cataloguing record for display in the OPAC (this should have a link verifier for dead Internet links).
Online Public Access
Catalogue (OPAC):
the integrated library system (ILS) should allow
access to the OPAC through all major browsers
the integrated library system (ILS) should
provide a secured interface between the OPAC and patron files that will allow patrons to access
personal circulation information
the OPAC module should streamline various interfaces
with a single information management platform to access everything users need in a unified online
users should have access through the OPAC to all
material types including, but not limited to: monographs, serials, machine-readable data files,
maps, audio-visual formats, sound recordings, computer software, documents, Web sites, equipment,
electronic or digital content, etc.
the OPAC should provide keyword, phrase, and Boolean
the library should be able to create custom web pages
and/or modify existing OPAC and OPAC help web pages.
The integrated library system (ILS) should be
able to support visually impaired users (enlarged font) . The integrated library system (ILS) should have an icon-based OPAC for
children with sets of photo icons. The OPAC should
track an individual user's preferences and interests, organized into a list of "favourites" including, but not
limited to authors and subjects. These "favourites" should be included in a user's personal online
account. The integrated library system (ILS)
should provide user self-service options, or User Services, through the OPAC, including the ability for users to
review the status of their accounts and to view custom displays of:
items charged, with due dates and accrued
holds requested, with availability status
replies to their requests or cancel
notes/alerts from library staff
OPAC user self-services should also
include, at the library’s discretion:
OPAC should support Web-based materials
bookings/ item reservations. The OPAC module should
automatically analyze the library’s overall circulation and display lists of the library’s most popular titles,
authors, or subjects. It should also update this information automatically.
Content management:
vendor should offer a content management solution for
collecting and organizing content from many different sources into easy-to-understand and easy-to-use
content centres, for its public users
the content management solution proposed should not be
limited to the library's catalogue or to resources held by the library, (though the library's catalogue
is one of the resources that should be accessible)
no programming or other technical expertise should be
required by library staff to operate Vendor’s content management solution
- in addition to the standard OPAC, Vendor should offer OPAC
content enrichment features that will provide users with images and information similar to online book
vendors’ sites, such as Amazon.com
OPAC content enrichment should
include the following categories:
OPAC content enhancement / enrichment updates
should be provided through the Vendor. Bestsellers lists should be updated on a regular
schedule. Vendor should offer
alternative languages for its OPAC. It should offer faceted finding aids to narrow search results by
OPAC should ensure relevant search results even
with simple misspellings or variations in suffixes or prefixes. OPAC should also support use of Back button on Web browsers as part of
search process and builds saved searches that can be saved as browser favourites.
the integrated library system (ILS) should
support a variety of ways to search for a patron record
it should accommodate expiration dates for
patron’s library privileges
the integrated library system (ILS) should have
the ability to designate a category or group for patrons, i. e. Staff, Visually Challenged,
Non-Residents, etc. It should provide the ability to easily assign and change a user’s Patron
it should automatically block and should lift
immediately upon remediation of the blocking condition
the integrated library system (ILS) system should
easily provide online display and printing of a sequentially numbered list of items a patron has
checked out, placed on hold, overdue, claims returned/lost/stolen, and billed and a list of previously
checked out items
should duplicate a patron or newly-created patron records using patron copy for easy duplication
of multiple fields within the patron record, including User Name, ID Number, Street, User
Group ID, Corporate Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Alternate ID, References,
The Circulation module should
support the following features:
full-text search of any word within any bibliographic
circulation functions at a workstation in real
offer an interface with PC Reservation
provide a graphical backup circulation
enable operator to circulate un-catalogued items
on-the-fly (e.g., add a brief title, add copies). Brief bibliographic records, as well as charging and lending items
for interlibrary loans. This should have an expiry date ot item is never catalogued
renew all items or renew a single item
bill a user
pay a bill
display, create, edit, copy, and remove user
confirm user address
renew user privilege
send user a message (note area)
place, edit, display, remove holds
claims returned
lost card processing
modify an item’s assigned due date
mark item used and inventory item
book drop check-in
place and track items in transit (for multi-branch and
multi-library systems)
circulate items borrowed through
ILL once a brief bibliographic record has been created, with local
circulation loan parameters determined by the user profile, item type, and location
when an item presented for checkout presents an alert
of ‘still charged to previous user,’ the Circulation Module should allow staff to enter an override
password to immediately discharge the item and should allow staff to immediately check-out the material
to the present patron.
The Circulation module should serve as
a link between the item and user at discharge; however, it should be possible for authorized staff to
determine the last user to have charged the item until the item is discharged by the next user, to allow
investigation of any damage to items.
The Circulation module should interface seamlessly with other
modules, including Cataloguing, to enable authorized circulation staff to:
- add a brief title (with a
finite life)
- add copies
- change item
- mark item missing or
- remove title, call
number/volume or copies
The Circulation module should enable individual
user record creation, as well as a patron load utility that allows user records to be imported and
updated. The integrated library system (ILS) should
support automatic charging for the overdue return of items, for the replacement cost of unreturned items, for
various sorts of “processing fees,” according to library-defined parameters, set by each library. It should
allow staff to create charges. The integrated library
system (ILS) should alert the librarian of an unpaid fine and create a block which can be an overridden by
supervisor password, if necessary. When a user has
lost or misplaced his/her library card, the circulation module should automatically deactivate the previous
library card number and should transfer the user’s charges, fines, overdue, holds and bills to the new ID.
It should automatically change long-overdue items’
status from “overdue” to “billed” based on library-specified rules.
the integrated library system (ILS) should allow
the library to define the precise terms under which items can be circulated to users
circulation policies should be flexible, specific to
the library or to each individual library within a multi-library consortium
the circulation module should record all issues
made for statistical reports.
the Circulation module should allow staff to accept
payment for fees/bills during item check-in (e.g., accept payment for overdue fees) without leaving the
discharging process
the Circulation module should alert staff and
immediately place an item in transit to its home location, if the item is checked in at a location
other than its home location.
Routing/Transit (For
multi-Library systems): The Circulation module should
automatically track an item’s current and home locations (e.g., Checked out, ILL , Reference,
Bookmobile) and should display these locations for staff and public user searches. The Circulation module should permit staff to view items presently in transit
(in a multi-library system) at any time.
the Circulation module should allow both the renewal
of a single item and the renewal of all items charged to a user. Staff and user self-renewal (for
selected item(s), and via the web OPAC), should be available
the Circulation module should alert staff attempting
to renew items for suspended, blocked, and barred public users. Staff should have the option to
investigate or enter an override password to continue with item renewal
during renewal, staff should have the option to select
a special due date, or to allow the Circulation module to automatically renew according to local
library circulation loan policies.
Fines /
the Circulation module should support an unlimited
number of fine structures, such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Each fine structure amount may
accrue in different rates (e.g., two Rand per week or part thereof or five Rand per day per
item, etc.)
circulation staff should be capable of displaying all
bills within a user record, as well as limiting the display to only unpaid bills
the Circulation module should also enable the display
of ‘paid’ bills
the Circulation module should support both automatic,
system-generated bills as well as manual, staff-initiated fines
the Circulation module should support an unlimited
number of manual fine reasons, including damaged, lost card, ILL fee, photocopies,
the Circulation module should support the calculation
of fines and make this information available to staff and public users (via the user’s online OPAC
account) prior to check-in of items and the creation of a bill
the system should have an alert feature when fees
or fines are outstanding.
The Circulation module should check the user
database and block users who are suspended, barred, inactive, not permitted to place holds, etc. The Circulation
module should examine library-level, group level, and system-wide levels of holds policies. The integrated
library system (ILS) should enable a library to allow only its own patrons to place holds on items. In addition,
the integrated library system (ILS) should enable a library to assign a higher priority ranking to its users’
hold requests (i.e., allow a library to state, ‘Fill requests for my library patrons first, then other branch
libraries’ users’)
The Circulation module should allow
holds to be placed:
by staff (public users within the library)
by remote users via the web OPAC
at the title or copy level.
For multi-library
hold fulfilment policies should consider (a) the
user’s hold rank and (b) the owning library's item policies when determining the next
eligible user in the hold queue
circulation module holds requests for any book/item by
a particular author or for several items on a specific subject.
Circulation module should have a stand-alone,
graphical offline circulation feature. The stand-alone offline circulation module should allow circulation to
continue in the event the integrated library system (ILS) cannot be used due to system failure, communications
failure, network downtime, etc.
The offline circulation feature
should provide:
Reports and Report
The integrated library system (ILS) should
support pre-programming and scheduling of standard reports. A variety of output options should be available for reports including, but
not limited to viewable online, send to printer, e-mail, or export to a spreadsheet.
The Reports module should be fully-integrated
with all other system modules, and provide a comprehensive suite of library-customizable report
templates. It should enable an
authorized operator to schedule production of report output at a specified date and time and on a regular
periodic basis, such as daily, weekly, monthly, and at pre-specified times.
The Reports module should enable an authorized
operator to view completed reports on screen or to e-mail or print the report, at the operator's
the system should have the ability to produce overdue
reports involving materials such as new accessions
lists, shelf lists, circulation lists, and bibliographies
possibile to select items for inclusion based on
any combination of bibliographic information (using full Boolean word and phrase searching) and on any
combination of control information, for example collection, current status, number of circulations,
number of holds, classification, accessions date, etc.
the reports module should enable an authorized
operator to specify the starting date-and-time and ending date-and-time for reports involving
historical data
the fully-integrated Reports module should use the
same user interface as other modules.
The Reports module should
provide lists, counts, and statistical reports for
each purchased module
provide row, column, and grand totals in applicable
provide reports for all record types within the
proposed system
track statistical and management information by
counting various staff processes to measure productivity, identifying items which are likely candidates
for weeding, or tracking fund information for budgeting
perform housekeeping tasks by changing the status of
groups of users, or removing users or items in batches when necessary
allow authorized operator(s) to select, customize,
name, save and schedule reports
allow staff to display and/or e-mail finished
employ an easy, point-and-click interface with drop
down menus for report criteria selection
The integrated library system (ILS) should
allow librarians to create custom reports by extracting data for use in spreadsheets. Library staff should be able to define and format specific reports without
having to write explicit SQL commands.
The Circulation module should support marking
items used (in-house) for statistical reporting. If an item has a special status (charged, on hold. in transit),
a glossary should appear next to the item for displaying more item information.
It should support the creation of a shelf list
from inventory data in report output. The
Circulation module should support the use of portable inventory scanners, provided the Vendor’s software is
loaded to the library’s portable PDA's with barcode scanners.
the integrated library system (ILS) should offer
portable barcode reader option with barcode scanner
the integrated library system (ILS) should update in
real time
the integrated library system (ILS) should allow the
user to choose where to start and finish each day’s session
the integrated library system (ILS) should include a
notation in the item record containing the date the item was inventoried
the integrated library system (ILS) should allow a
report to be created listing items missing in the inventory.
The equipment should demonstrate consistency
and ease of use, including documentation or manual for use.
A public library and information services integrated library system (ILS) should
- Stable, even under extreme load.
- Robust, and capable of handling a high volume of transactions and simultaneous
- Flexible, to accommodate the varied needs of a large consortia.
- Secure, to protect our patrons/users privacy and data.
- User-friendly, to facilitate patron and staff use of the system.
- Integrated, to manage all technical and public services within the
- Comprehensive, integrated
environment to optimize library operations, maximise staff productivity and more effectively serve