Increasing demand for the Internet and computer services in
public libraries
HP Multi-User 441 Public Internet
The majority of low-income residents can not afford to pay for
basic services; as a result information technology is out of their reach. With computers, public can type
résumés, conduct business, communicate with friends, families and other cultures, and find job
The competency in the use of information technology is increasingly
recognized and valued as a basic skill and fundamental competency, ranking closely behind basic literacy and
numeracy. Progress in technology and communication is changing the way we all live: how we work and do
business; how we lead and govern, follow and participate as employees, members and citizens; how we educate
our children, study, do research and train ourselves; how we are entertained, etc.
These are characteristics of an emerging information society, and
present new challenges and opportunities for public libraries in these communities. We need to ensure that
all our communities, especially the previously disadvantaged have access to computer technology and are able
to enjoy the benefits of the information economy.
In 2006 the first HP Multi-User 441 was installed and made
available to the public. The first rollout had Linux (Mandrake Linux
to be specific) operating system loaded. Open source was the initial plan but unfortunately Linux support was a problem
and therefore HP Multi-User 441 Kiosks operating systems are
running on Windows XP Professional. Currently there are 67 of the Kiosks in the libraries
(that gives a total of 268 internet workstations in the 43 libraries). Internet access is available at no
charge, and users are not required to be members of the library to have access. Tariffs are applied for
printouts made.

The users computing
experience The four individual users on the HP 441 is essentially the same as
it is for a single user on a standalone computer. On the HP 441, each user can simultaneously and
independently run MS Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), Web browsing (surfing), e-mail, etc.,
with no negative effect on performance. The four individual users can send print jobs to a printer just as a
single user PC can.
Hardware and
Software The HP Multi-User 441 Desktop Solution is a hardware solution that
enables four people; each with a monitor, keyboard and mouse; to work simultaneously and independently on one
CPU. This is a cheaper option for making internet accessible to the
public as you save costs on hardware (eliminating three out of four CPUs), operating system and applications software (only need to
purchase one licence therefore avoiding expensive software licenses).
How does the HP 441 compare to thin
the HP 441 is more cost-effective than thin clients
thin client technology requires a powerful server, special networking equipment and
technical expertise
the HP 441 is better designed for graphics-intensive and multimedia applications, and
users can still access and use applications locally even if the server or network is
the HP 441 is also more flexible than thin clients (it can be set up as a standalone

Limited space in libraries
Internet bandwidth (Connectivity) is slow and
frustrating users
Staff assistance (not enough library staff to help/train
user’s full time)
Date: 29 November 2008
A Librarian's Guide To The Internet 