You've probably heard about this already, but just making
sure because it's really important that you help me to help you make an informed decision when considering
moving to a new/different ILS in South Africa. Due to your current ILS high licensing fees, support (or rather the lack thereof) or your ILS
system’s limited functionality or just to see what is the ILS industry’s landscape in South Africa.
2014 Library System
Library system survey was last updated on the 20 February 2010. The new updated 2014 Library system survey will
have the information on all library type’s (Public, Academic, Law, Government, Special) that complete the 2014
survey. None of the responses or comments that you provide in this survey will be publicly attributed to you (your
name), we will publish the data only. The survey has only 10 easy
questions and should take less than five minutes of your time
to complete. Information from this survey will contribute to our knowledge with regards to the ongoing changes
being made in the ILS industry in South Africa.

Sample of the 2014 Library System
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